Welcome to CUPE Local 40

We represent Calgary Board of Education Employees who work in Facility & Environmental Services



September 7, 2024

Saturday –  9:00 a.m.

Local 40 office:

#105-811 Manning Road., NE Calgary, AB T2E 7L4


 If you are a card carrying member or want to be and not receiving the electronic copy of the Newsletter or Meeting Links

please contact:

* secretary treasurer: cupe40treasurer@gmail.com

* recording secretary: recordlocal40@gmail.com

CUPE 40 Member Application

My Health Alberta             Alberta Health Services               Government of Canada


Government of Alberta             CUPE Alberta             Calgary Board of Education


CBE Managing Anxiety and Stress



CUPE 40 on Twitter @Cupe40 

CUPE Local 40 is now on Facebook

Code of Conduct. Check out our Resource section for more information.


Resources from the Alberta Federation of Labour on what is next for Alberta. Find it on twitter @NextAlberta and Join the conversation!!

Alberta Federation of Labour